The Tapestry of the Château of Angers on film

Published on 20 July 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

Before looking at the fourteenth-century ‘Tapestry of the Apocalypse’ by Jean de Bruges, visitors can now watch a short, eleven-minute film which will help them to gain a better understanding of this work of art.

Gérard Cieslik, who has been the administrator of the Château of Angers for less than a year, wanted this film to be “simple, educational and instructive and, at the same time, taking a scientific approach”. The film follows the sequence of the tapestry, with voice-over commentary and an original organ music sound track (the film also has English subtitles).  

The film has been entirely financed by the ACSPO – Association for Information and Preservation of Organs in Maine-et-Loire. The original organ music is by Henri-Franck Beaupérin, organist of Angers cathedral.

For further details:

Château of Angers



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