The Loire welcomes the racing sail-and-oar “plate” boats

Published on 06 October 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

During the Festival de Loire 2009, François Bonneau, President of the Centre Region, baptised the 4 racing sail-and-oar “plate” boats of the Voile de Loire CBA association, funded by the Centre Region.


The Voile de Loire Centre-Burgundy-Auvergne association, bringing together most of the wooden Loire boat associations, decided to launch a construction programme of small light boats to sail a flotilla along the Loire mainly for water jousting.
The purpose is to widen and renew sailing practices, and to set up a venture to be shared by all members. More broadly speaking, this will help to foster exchanges between residents by this royal river and to arouse the interest of youngsters in bringing competitions and regattas back into fashion…
Under the section "restoration and promotion of the Loire heritage" of the State-Region Plan Contract 2000-2006, the Centre Region has given up to €16,500 for the Voile de Loire CBA association's project and creation of 4 racing sail-and-oar "plate" boats.




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