The Loire à Vélo: meeting with regional tourism stakeholders

Published on 02 November 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

On Thursday 15th October at the Domaine régional de Chaumont sur Loire, a meeting chaired by François Bonneau, President of the Centre Region, appraised the Loire à Vélo, a public investment for the benefit of sustainable tourist development with major knock-on effects for image and the economy.


François Bonneau recalled that the Loire à Vélo was truly a project at the heart of the Centre Region's tourist development strategy .
The tourist development of the Loire à Vélo is rooted in:
  • the quality of the cycling itinerary
    • Laurent Savignac, in charge of the Loire à Vélo project within the Regional Council, thus reviewed how the itinerary and Information Services Point (RIS) have progressed.
  • the provision of a range of services for cycling tourists (accommodation, cycle hire shops, etc.)
    • Nathalie Malaurie-Beynac and Céline Réveillard, from the Val de Loire Mission, presented the procedure for obtaining the Loire à Vélo label, and the current number of members.
  • promotion among national and international tourists
    • Vincent Garnier, Director of the Regional Tourist Board, talked about the promotion initiatives under way and the number of tourists who cycle along the Loire à Vélo.
The sixty or so tourist stakeholders who attended (accommodation owners, hirers, tourist sites and tourist offices) were able to discuss all of these themes together.
The day was rounded off with the "La Loire à Vélo" label being awarded to several new sites by François Dumon, Vice-President of the Centre Region, Tourist Delegate, and Alain Beignet, Chairman of the Regional Tourist Board and Regional Adviser:
  • Château de Langeais
  • Château de Chaumont
  • Château de Villandry
  • Azay le Rideau Tourist Office
  • Lulu parc
  • Fantasy Forest
  • Nicolas Paget wine estate cellars
Chantal Colleu-Dumond, Director of the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire:
"The Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire is extremely interested in the Loire à Vélo scheme, as it lies on a promotory overlooking the Loire, a key section of this ambitious initiative. We wanted to become involved in this joint venture alongside other cultural and tourist sites, aware that the public are changing their leisure pursuits and that urbanites would like to get back to nature, showing immense interest in heritage."
Valérie Lopes, Director of the Pays d'Azay le Rideau Tourist Office:
"Joining the "Loire à vélo" initiative has meant that we have not only listened to the requests of a growing cycling clientele, but also become ambassadors alongside our professional tourism partners in the region. After being awarded the "Tourism and Disability" label in 2008, this strengthens our commitment to a quality initiative further."


La Loire à Vélo Brand



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