[Fr] Retour en images sur les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire
Les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire patrimoine mondial se sont tenus à Tours le mercredi 20 novembre. Près de 300 personnes se sont déplacées pour...
Published on 29 November 2012 - Updated 07 December 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans
On 15th November 2012, the prefect of the Centre Region – the coordinating prefect – approved the Loire Valley World Heritage management plan by decree. This followed its adoption, by deliberation, by a very large majority of local authorities concerned. For each theme concerned (for example architectural heritage, town planning, agriculture or infrastructure), the management plan puts forward guidelines, objectives and actions aimed at guaranteeing the quality and specific character of the Loire Valley landscapes (the Exceptional Universal Value).
Drawn up in liaison with all of the territorial authorities within the listed site to take up the international commitment made by France (which has signed the World Heritage Convention), the Loire Valley World Heritage management plan represents a first stage in strategic brainstorming on all of the actions to be taken to protect and enhance the remarkable identity (EUV: "Exceptional Universal Value") of this cultural good, inscribed on the World Heritage of Humanity List by UNESCO on 30th November 2000.
Its approval concludes the drafting stage of the framework document, which was conducted under the auspices of the regional prefect and entrusted to the sub-prefect of Chinon, coordinating policy officer for the Loire Valley World Heritage. The Regional Directorate for the Environment, Development and Housing (DREAL) has been tasked with its technical facilitation, along with all of the State departments concerned and input from the Mission Val de Loire, Centre and Pays de Loire Regions together with all 197 territorial authorities within the listed site and the heritage protection associations.
It will now be implemented by each stakeholder within the listed site, in their own fields of competence and intervention, in their daily actions and their more exceptional actions alike.
Building on the initiative, State departments and the Mission Val de Loire, together with the local authorities and, more broadly, the area's stakeholders, will now hold discussions on a priority action plan for the next few years.
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