The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism for the Regional Nature Park

Published on 04 February 2015 - Updated 11 February 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

On 11 December 2014, the Europarc Federation awarded the Park the certificate validating its candidacy for the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST). Incorporation of sustainable development at all levels of tourism activity is a challenge to be met, providing opportunities for professional actors to stand out from the crowd while meeting ever an increasing demand for authenticity and unspoiled nature.

A process requiring partnership

A wide range of institutional partners in the tourism sector spent well over a year carrying out an exhaustive diagnosis of the territory, relying on their expertise to highlight a series of key measures to be implemented. Targeted action will be carried out in partnership with Regional Tourism Committees and Départemental Tourism Agencies among others, and in some cases will take its lead from already existing dynamics. 


The tourism sector is of major economic importance to the territory (3,160 salaried jobs at the Park during the summer season). 

16 actions for the next 5 years

Actions identified have 4 major focuses, including one on heritage: 

  • FOCUS 1: The Park and its “Tourism” activity at the service of collective dynamics
  • FOCUS 2: Differentiation of the “Park” offer. Recognition of qualified products and “Marque Parc” labelling
  • FOCUS 3: Structuring of nature tourism. Encouragement of and help with product development. Management and control of uses
  • FOCUS 4: Innovation and promotion of heritage among tourists
    • Action 12: Developing digital tools and interpreting heritage
    • Action 13: Developing a plan for heritage promotion through intermunicipal action and creation of appropriate tools
    • Action 14: Collecting and promoting intangible cultural heritage themes
    • Action 15: Experimenting with eco-mobility
    • Action 16: Trying out an “accessible to all” destination

On the web:


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