The Comenius Project “Water – the Source of Life”

Published on 23 May 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

Since 2005 the Vouvray Secondary School has been taking part in a European Comenius Project alongside partners from Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal and Italy on the theme of “Water – the Source of Life”.

In 2005-2006, following visits to a Maison de Loire, to the Amboise Aquarium and to see one of the last of the Loire’s fishermen, Year 7 classes had set up exhibitions (on paper) on the beaver and the salmon.  A Year 9 class had made a cartoon film of an album of images of the Loire fleet in the 18th Century.

In 2006-2007, Year 7 classes have put together computerised slideshows on the Loire, boat traffic on the Loire and on the guinguettes – those little restaurants with music and dancing. Another class has constructed web pages on birds and the Loire and a collection of mobiles showing how the food chain works.
In March 2007, Vouvray welcomed delegations from its European partners in order to collaborate in making 5 video clips on water conservation. This visit was a follow-up to meetings that took place in Italy in 2005 and in Portugal in 2006.
Further information from:

Marie Mignot
Collège de Vouvray  



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