The “Châteaux de la Loire” passes for visiting several châteaux at an unbeatable price!

Published on 07 April 2010 - Updated 20 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

This new pass for the 2010 season is the fruit of a project that brought together châteaux, tourist institutions, tourist offices and the Val de Loire Mission to help promote the excellence initiative of the main heritage sites in the Loire Valley.

After a study of what was already in place, it was agreed that the “Châteaux de la Loire” pass system would take the form of a “Châteaux de la Loire – Finest France” rating – with the passes sold by tourist offices meeting certain criteria. The rating criteria are: 

  • “Package” or “à la carte” passes available to the public
  • Containing admission passes for at least 2 of the 19 sites involved in the excellence initiative, to which tickets for other monuments or services may be attached.

 The advantages of this rating: 

  • Customers are given a passport of “advantages” in all of the 19 châteaux taking part in the initiative – with one passport allowed per pass.
  • A joint communication plan will be implemented, overseen by the Val de Loire Mission.

 The partner tourist offices: Orléans, Valençay, Blois, Val d’Amboise, Tours, Azay-le-Rideau, Chinon, Langeais, Loches, Saumur and Angers.  

In 2010, all of the partners have agreed to perform a shared evaluation of this 2010 season, which is a test-run, before considering the prospects of continuing the initiative. 

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