Signature of the Charter of Excellence for major sites in the Val de Loire

Published on 25 January 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The ceremony took place on Wednesday 30 January 2008 at the national estate of Chambord and was attended by the managers of the 18 partner chateaux and monuments in the Val de Loire, Jean-Michel Bérard, prefect of the Centre region, the coordinator of the Plan Loire Grandeur Nature environmental plan for the river, and François Bonneau, president of the Centre region and president of the Val de Loire Mission.

The plan to create a network of major sites in the Val de Loire was instigated in January 2006 by the Val de Loire Mission, at the request of the prefect of the Centre region, the coordinator of the Plan Loire Grandeur Nature environmental plan, and with the support of the Centre and Pays de la Loire regional councils.

The Charter of Excellence has one ambition: to reinvigorate and increase tourism in the Val de Loire by capitalising on its inclusion on the list of World Heritage sites through joint initiatives, in order to make the Val de Loire a destination of excellence worthy of international recognition by UNESCO.

This initiative is designed to mobilise those involved, making it possible to embark immediately on a programme of actions over several years involving the chateaux and monuments that have signed up to the charter, the partners of the Plan Loire Grandeur Nature (central and regional government), regional and departmental tourism institutions and the Val de Loire Mission.

The actions envisaged include:
- international promotion,
- classifying the products and services on offer
- researching new ideas in the areas of heritage mediation and accessibility.



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