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  • Second National conference on “The Agricultural Built Environment and landscape”

Second National conference on “The Agricultural Built Environment and landscape”

Published on 28 August 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

13 and 14 September 2007 at Châtre (Indre), Grange de Nohant

This two-day meeting, organised under the ægis of the European Heritage Days, is being run by the Maisons paysannes de France association (Farmhouses in France).

These two days of discussions and presentations devoted to the problems surrounding rural architecture and landscape will be arranged around four round-table discussions focusing on:
- the various problems relating to the bocage landscape
- development of farm access areas
- increasing awareness and creativity in contemporary agricultural building
- materials produced form forestry and agriculture used in building.

Further details from:
Portal for Heritage and Landscape Associations



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