Safeguarding and enhancing the Loiret heritage

Published on 06 December 2017 - Updated 05 February 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

For some years now, the Département-level Council has been supporting efforts to safeguard and enhance the Loiret heritage. In October, the Département adopted a €40m budget to fund ten flagship projects. It is also helping to finance the Heritage Foundation certifications, the most recent edition of which was held on 14 November.

€40m for the benefit of the territory

Of the ten projects that will be able to tap into this €40m budget, the municipalities of Cléry-Saint-André and Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire are involved as regards the restoration of historical monuments. 

Cléry-Saint-André will receive nearly €300,000 in funding to restore the northern bays of its Notre-Dame Basilica. This Gothic-style building harbours the tomb of King Louis XI and his wife, Charlotte of Savoy. 

Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire will receive €440,000 to go towards the restoration of Fleury Abbey, listed as a historical monument back in 1840 and boasting 46 listed objects, among them a 7th century reliquary.  

Supporting local heritage

The Département also demonstrated its support for local heritage during the Loiret 2017 certification awards ceremony. Promoted by the Heritage Foundation, this certification provides funding for safeguarding or renovating local heritage which is not protected by historical monument status (whether inscribed or listed). The Département-level Council awards €24,000 worth of grants for the certification.  



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