“Rivers and Heritage” discussion day

Published on 25 November 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

As part of the France-UNESCO Convention, this day, focusing on the topic “Enhancing the heritage of rivers”, was organised on 2nd November 2009 at the Senate. The discussions were very fruitful with accounts and analyses of rivers across three continents: the Loire, Rhône, Niger, Nil, Senegal, Ganges and Mekong.


The participants were welcomed by Yves Dauge, Senator of Indre-et-Loire, and Francesco Bandarin, Director of the World Heritage Centre (UNESCO).
Three themes were addressed:
  • Exploring the river of humans
  • Developing the river sustainably
  • Enhancing the river's cultural resources
Vincent Rotgé, Director of International Affairs, and Myriam Laidet, Sustainable Development Policy Officer, attended on behalf of the Val de Loire Mission. The former in connection with the decentralised cooperation projects in Mali and Laos; the latter to present the leisure navigation plan for the Loire Valley.
Laura Verdelli from the University of Tours came to talk about "Enhancing the cultural landscapes of rivers".
The day was drawn to a close by Erik Orsenna.




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