River-to-river cooperation continues between the Loire and the Niger

Published on 22 December 2006 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

A mission to Bamako (Mali) was organised from 7 to 11 December 2006 to look at progress to date on the implementation of the Loire-Niger river-to-river cooperation charter signed on 15 November 2006.

Jean-Claude Antonini, President of the Val de Loire Mission, Dominique Tremblay, Director, and Daniel Roussel, manager of the Loire-Niger project, took the opportunity to strengthen links with their partners in Mali, including the association of Malian municipalities, the national agency for local authority investment, the agency for the River Niger basin, the UNESCO delegation in Bamako and the Ministry of Culture.

The Loire-Niger workshop on 8 December 2006

A Loire-Niger workshop held on 8 December provided a chance to measure the extent to which all the partners were actively involved whilst awaiting a response from the European Union on the "Water Facilities" project backed by UNESCO.

The mission took place at the same time as a visit from a delegation from the town of Angers as part of a decentralised cooperation agreement between the district of Bamako and Angers Loire Métropole.

 Jean-Claude Antonini, Mayor of Angers, inaugurates a neighbourhood health centre in Bamako.

River-to-river cooperation



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