River Niger project inaugural seminar (Water Facility)

Published on 25 January 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The seminar, held on 31 January and 1 February 2008 in Bamako (Mali), brought together all of the project's partners.

The plenary session provided an opportunity to take stock of the current situation and review the challenges of the River Niger project. This was followed by three workshops detailing the project's various activities:
- Workshop 1: Understanding the river, awareness raising and dissemination of information (components 1 and 5 of the project)
- Workshop 2: Training and strengthening of the network of local authorities (components 2 and 3)
- Workshop 3: Pilot projects and decentralised cooperation (component 4)

The delegation from the Loire was made up of:
- Mr Bernard Valette, Vice-President of the Centre Region
- Ms Dominique de Ferrières, Deputy Mayor of Angers
- Mr Vincent Rotgé, Director of the International Rivers and Heritage Institute, Val de Loire Mission
- Mr Daniel Roussel, Loire-Niger project manager, Val de Loire Mission
- Ms Claire Giraud-Labalte, Professor, Catholic University of the West (UCO)



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