Rive d’Arts

Published on 08 February 2016 - Updated 18 February 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

The former Etablissements Cannelle factory in Ponts-de-Cé, which once produced hooks and other fishing accessories, has had its premises rehabilitated into two clusters: a hoteling and catering cluster (opened in February 2015) and a creation cluster, open since 29 January 2016, which aims to set up a small professional ecosystem encouraging collaborative projects around the creative economy.

With the addition of this facility, the town now boasts a new communal amenity in an outstanding setting on the Loire Valley World Heritage site and the “Loire à Vélo” itinerary. 

Operated by a private body, “Les 3 Lieux” cluster comprises a 3-star hotel, a gastronomic restaurant and a bistro serving fast food at lunchtimes and acting as a wine bar in the evening. 

The creation cluster is managed by the municipality of Ponts-de-Cé and comprises:  

  • 10 studios available for rent to professional creators
  • A 420-m² hall for hosting events and exhibitions
  • Rooms for rent as venues for professional meetings (congresses, seminars, meetings, etc.)
  • Professional visual art exhibitions with artistic mediation organised by the municipalit
  • Special programmes organised by creators (courses, classes, etc.)

A photograph exhibition on the history of the place opened on 29 January to mark the cluster’s inauguration, and is due to run until 30 April. It is a part of our historical heritage as well as of our industrial architectural heritage, bearing witness to the memories of the men and women workers it once employed, most of whom came from Ponts-de-Cé, and many of whom still live near the site.   

On the web:

The project was originally presented during the 2014 Loire Valley Rendezvous Actors’ Forum. 




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