Restoration and maintenance of wetlands

Published on 25 September 2014 - Updated 20 October 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

On 8 September 2014, the Indre-et-Loire General Council and the Loire-Brittany Water Agency signed an initial territorial contract for the restoration and maintenance of wetlands classified as Sensitive Natural Areas.

Among these natural spaces of high ecological potential, the General Council is owner and manager of 5 of them considered as "predominantly wet": 

  • The Louroux pond
  • Choisille Valley (Fondettes, Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire)
  • La Métairie island (La Ville-aux-Dames)
  • The Montifray peatbog
  • Bois Chétif alluvial forest (La Chapelle-sur-Loire, Huismes, Rigny-Ussé)

The following actions have been takenunder this contract: 

  • Contributing to combating the loss of biodiversity by preserving natural habitats and ecological corridors.
  • Implementing restoration and maintenance work (deforestation, restoring river banks, etc.)
  • Acquiring new plots of wetland
  • Assessing the actions taken and informing the general public.



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