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Regional conferences on environmental education to promote sustainable development

Published on 09 February 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

15 April 2009 in Tours in the Centre region with a view to the National conferences from 27 to 29 November in Basse-Normandie.


The French Collective for Environmental Education to promote Sustainable Development (CFEEDD) is behind these Conferences, which aim to bring together all local, regional or national French actors involved in environmental education: civil society, local authorities, private sector, State services.
GRAINE Centre, the regional environmental education network, is coordinating events at regional level , and has chosen to form an organising group with partners including State services, local authorities, companies, environmental education and protection associations, associations for the preservation of natural environments and popular education associations.
The first Conferences on environmental education were held in 1999-2000 and led to the joint publication of the National Action Plan for the development of environmental education.
This year's edition will be a chance to take stock of the present situation and identify the levers for and brakes on the development of Environmental Education for Sustainable Development (EEDD).
Regional Conferences (Graine Centre)
Regional Conferences (Graine Centre)



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