Regional Water Eco Forum (Centre Region)

Published on 18 September 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

On Wednesday 22 October 2008 at the Vinci Conference Centre in Tours, the Centre regional authority is holding the second edition on the subject of “Towards sustainable water management: preserving, saving and managing water”.


The Forum is part of the public consultation on the draft Water Use and Management Development Plans (SDAGE) for the Loire-Bretagne and Seine-Normandie regions. As in 2006, the Centre region would like to set in motion a major debate before formulating an opinion on these draft SDAGE plans, which will impact on regional water strategies.

The individuals and groups involved in water management: elected officials, associations, institutions, government departments and social sponsors are invited to this day.
The general public are also welcome to take part. An associations and company fair will also offer innovative solutions to preserving and saving water. 
Register online before 13 October 2008 .

Programme and registration:



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