Reconstruction in the Loire Valley

Published on 25 September 2014 - Updated 20 October 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

Post-1945 building reconstruction has determined the urban and architectural physiognomy of Loire towns to a large extent. From September 2014 and throughout 2015, cultural and professional events are being held with guided tours, professional training courses, conferences and exhibitions to further highlight the architectural and urban qualities of this building, which alternates back and forth between industrial fabrication and regionalism.

A second area of work tackles the issue of the restoration and modernisation of this building work compatible with contemporary uses and energy performance requirements. 

This development and joint mediation project has been launched by the Loiret and Indre CAUEs, the Orleans urban area Urban Planning Agency, the Centre region Maison de l’Architecture and the Inventory of the Centre region patrimony, with the support of the Centre DRAC. 




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