Reception of a delegation from Mont-Saint-Michel

Published on 08 February 2016 - Updated 18 February 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

A delegation of municipal councillors and project executives from Pays de la Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel and Pays de Saint-Malo visited the Loire Valley on 25 and 26 January 2016 to find out how local municipalities took account of the inscription on the World Heritage List in their spatial planning policies. Accompanied by Mission Val de Loire, they met with their counterparts from the Blois and Saumur regions.

Mont Saint Michel and its bay were inscribed as a cultural property in 1979. Its management plan is in the process of being drawn up in parallel with revision of the PLUs and SCOTs concerned, and has revealed contrasting visions on the part of local government officials and the State. 

At the State’s request, the Association of French World Heritage Properties (ABFPM) and the Great Sites of France Network (RGSF) organised an experience-sharing day in September 2015, held at Mont-Saint-Michel. Representatives of other cultural landscapes – Nord-Pas-de-Calais Mining Basin, the Loire Valley and Cap Gris Nez-Cap Blanc Nez – gave presentations of the governance and tools implemented on their sites to some sixty local government officials. 

The visit to the Loire Valley provided an opportunity to go into greater detail in discussions with Mission Val de Loire, municipal councillors and project exécutives. 

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