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Pays de la Loire: A crossroads for actors involved in international cooperation

Published on 09 February 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

On Wednesday 25 February from 8.30am to 6pm at the Nantes International Conference Centre (Cité Internationale des Congrès), the Pays de la Loire Regional Authority is holding a third conference bringing together Loire actors involved in international cooperation initiatives.


This conference will provide an opportunity to:
  • Give all international cooperation figures the chance to speak and promote the initiatives that they are piloting
  • Bring the views of outside figures into the debate
  • Study ways of bringing together actors to work on themes or geographical areas
  • Present and submit for debate the Global Charter-Agenda for Human Rights at the conference centre
  • Gather the view of participants on the international aspect of the regional Agenda 21.
Pays de la Loire Regional Authority



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