Operation "Let’s keep the Loire clean”

Published on 03 March 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

From 8:30 am to 12:30 pm on Saturday 20 March 2010, 15 communes (from Lestiou to La Chaussée St Victor and from St Laurent Nouan to Vineuil) will be busy at a repeat performance of the operation, which focuses on keeping the banks of the Loire clean and on general awareness raising.


In 2009, 300 voluntary workers, 260 schoolchildren and 60 volunteers, along with 25 group leaders from the Agricultural School and other associations, got together in the name of this eco-civic operation, and ended up collecting and sorting over 10 tonnes of refuse.
Besides cleaning up rubbish, the morning also seeks to raise public awareness and help as many people as possible discover the fauna and flora of the Loire Valley. To this end, group leaders from the Maison de la Loire and partner associations, along with BTS students from the Vendôme Agricultural School will be setting up "animation points - canoes or traditional boats" and "nature points" alongside the banks in each of the 15 communes taking part.
The operation's success depends on everyone's participation.

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