Niger-Loire project, governance and culture: December 2009 mission

Published on 05 February 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

This Val de Loire Mission trip (involving Vincent Rotgé and Jennifer Millereux) to Mopti from 6th to 14th December 2009 took in the Mopti workshop (8th-9th December), focusing on guidelines for developing the Mopti port and training initiatives with the help of Professor Bani Touré as part of the steering committee (10th-11th December).


Mopti workshop
The Val de Loire Mission helped to prepare for this workshop by providing the key elements with regard to defining the guidelines for developing the port in its urban context. It also wrote the summary report for this part of the workshop, which may well be published in the proceedings.
The second part of the workshop addressed the construction of "river centres" ("Delta Centre" in Mopti and "River Centre" in Ségou). The Centre Region is funding the "Delta Centre" along with the Mopti Regional Assembly.
Steering committee
Together with the Professor Bani Touré, the Val de Loire Mission presented the training achievements:
  • Evaluation of the first class of the DESS (Master's) in "Decentralisation and engineering of local development" (2007-2009) and 2009-2010 recruitment report for the vocational Master's
  • Placement rundown for 2009 students and placement proposals for 2010
  • Continuing education for local development stakeholders
  • Training of project and research managers
  • Setup of the University Institute of Territorial Development
Niger-Loire : gouvernance et culture



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