New river eco-tourism route from Amboise to Montlouis

Published on 23 July 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

This route is promoted for the first time this summer of 2008 by the "Millière Raboton, homme de Loire" association, which already had a presence in Chaumont-sur-Loire.


This initiative is fully in line with the objectives of the Loire Sailing and Ports strategic model . The choice of a form of eco-tourism which draws on traditionally constructed boats and discovery sailing for small groups (three 12-seater boats) is in line with the values behind the inscription of the Loire Valley on UNESCO's World Heritage List. Several local authorities, including the Centre Regional Authority, have provided financial support to get this project started.
The " Millière Raboton, homme de Loire " association works for the development of cultural activities, striving for a better public awareness of the Loire and its heritage .



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