New publicity material for the Val de Loire World Heritage

Published on 21 July 2009 - Updated 07 January 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

The Mission Val de Loire is renewing its publicity material: leaflet for the general public, hanging banners and umbrella stands.

Leaflet for the general public

 The Val de Loire World Heritage information leaflet is being given a complete makeover in line with the objective of turning the World Heritage listing into a major asset of the Loire, transcending administrative frontiers. It is helping to enhance the image of the Val de Loire with a view to raising awareness of the notion of a living cultural landscape . The leaflet will be distributed 

  • by partners of the Val de Loire Mission, involved in raising awareness of the values and signification of the listing (Loire centres, associations, museums, etc.),
  • and by professional services for tourists (tourist offices, town halls, tourist sites, accommodation in the listed site),
  • at events organised on the theme of the Loire by the Mission or its partners and in which it takes part.

Hanging banners and umbrella stands

 The Val de Loire Mission has updated the general umbrella stand and hanging banner (2 copies) on the Val de Loire World Heritage, and produced ones on the Loire à Vélo cycling itinerary. Like all of the   publicity material, these are available to Val de Loire stakeholders from the Val de Loire Mission.  Hanging banners have also been created to promote the initiatives that the Centre and Pays de la Loire regions have taken to protect and enhance the natural and cultural heritages of the Val de Loire. 

Available publicity material  



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