[Fr] Mame, la série
Depuis l'implantation de la première imprimerie jusqu'à la reconversion de l'usine moderne en lieu de création et d'innovation, Mame s'inscrit dans une...
Published on 08 November 2013 - Updated 28 November 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans
The “Communauté de communes du Gennois” unitary authority has just set up the "People, a nature between two rivers" trail in partnership with the Loire Anjou Touraine Regional Nature Park. A booklet on sale in French or English is available from the Tourist Information Office (€1) and can be downloaded from the Internet.
Let the narrative of Rose, a washerwoman nicknamed "l'Amazone", guide you through the village of Gennes where you'll relive the history of these men and women shaped by the water of the Loire. Gallo-Roman vestiges, religious monuments, troglodytic dwellings, wash-houses, mills and more! Gennes is brimming with treasures, all attesting to an eventful history between land and water.
This is the 4th trail set up in the Park.
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L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.