New Renaissance(s] in Centre-Val de Loire

Published on 13 December 2019 - Updated 26 February 2020
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans

After 2019's celebration of 500 years of Renaissance(S] in Centre-Val de Loire, the Region is calling on local stakeholders again to rally around a new cultural and tourist season. The theme for 2020 is "Nouvelles Renaissances", which is set to give pride of place to traditional lifestyles, customs and cuisine. A call for the certification of initiatives has been launched.

The Centre-Val de Loire Region and main stakeholders involved in the 2019 season are thus proposing to keep this incredible momentum going by building on it over the next few years through a collective and creative movement, Les Nouvelles Renaissances 2020-2022, promoting historical and natural heritage, culture and creation, traditional lifestyles, customs and cuisine. 

Renaissance and the Loire Valley

The criteria underpinning the Loire Valley's listing as a Unesco World Heritage include the following: "Be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history"

The landscape of the Loire Valley, and more particularly its many cultural monuments, illustrate to an exceptional degree the ideals of the Renaissance and the Age of the Enlightenment on Western European thought and design. 

Find out more  

The programme spans a range of themes: historical and natural heritage, creation and culture, traditional lifestyles, customs and cuisine. Each year though, the spotlight will be shone on one particular theme, in keeping with other current events. 

In 2020: traditional lifestyles, customs and cuisine

As part of the 20th anniversary of the Loire Valley's listing as a Unesco World Heritage and the 10th anniversary of the inscription of the Gastronomic meal of the French on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, 2020, the first year of the New Renaissances, will more particularly honour traditional lifestyles, customs and cuisine

The Region will also be celebrated during Goût de France / Good France events, recognised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a bid to promote French cuisine abroad. The Region has asked Christophe Hay, chef at La Maison d’à côté in Montlivault (Loir-et-Cher), to be its ambassador for these celebrations in the context of Goût de France

Portraits de Loire à la Renaissance
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Based on original documents from the period, the web series “Portraits of the Loire in the Renaissance” delves into this period of history and chronicles the close relationship that has always existed between humans and the river Loire. Watch the first episode, which is about landscaping.

Call for certification

Just as in 2019, this cultural season will unite the projects of regional stakeholders, landmark heritage sites, cultural and economic stakeholders within a single programme through a call for certification of initiatives. The Region is set to roll out a communication strategy as well as dedicated tools to promote the "New Renaissances" programme.  

The initial closing date for applications is 20 January 2020. Any projects submitted after this date may be certified during a second stage, and the Region will endeavour to add them to its communication tools as and when they come in. 




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