Nature&Landscape Biennale 2016: the tree

Published on 08 February 2016 - Updated 18 February 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

Scheduled to be held in Blois on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 March 2016, the 2016 Biennale has selected trees as this year’s focus and seeks to provide an opportunity for local government officials, specialists and an interested public to exchange viewpoints and discuss the subject. The Biennale is preceded by an international colloquium entitled “Tree(s) and Landscape(s)”, intended for researchers and set to take place in Blois on 16 and 17 March 2016 at the Centre-Loire Valley INSA’s School of Nature and Landscape.

On the initiative of CAUE 41, Agglopolys and the Centre-Loire Valley INSA, this 4th edition will be seeing additions to the previous years’ programme format: lectures and roundtables will be complemented by exhibitions, film screenings and other activities (historical café, sound programme and nature outing among them) so as to create an event providing a wide public with an equally wide range of approaches to this year’s theme. 

A rich and varied programme lays emphasis on trees as heritage: 

  • Lecture: “Field trees on the UNESCO site (examples in Maine-et-Loire)” by David Montembault, head of the Landscape Educational Unit – Agrocampus Ouest Angers. In partnership with Mission Val de Loire
  • Roundtable: “Rows of trees, a heritage worth protecting?”
  • Roundtable: “Managing arbore al heritage

“Not just as a subject for botanical study, but also as an ecological, economic and cultural issue, the tree continues to make us ponder the nature of its otherness. Symbol of a union between human and divine, it has kept close company with our civilisation’s development. It is integral to our landscapes, confronting us with their histories, transformations and fragility. In the forest, in the midst of its fellows, it is the very embodiment of a key economic issue, a true reflection of our relationship with the land we live on. Often under threat, it nonetheless fulfils an essential key role in urban ecology and makes a very plausible alternative in the face of climate change.” 

Organised by theCentre-Loire Valley INSA’s School of Nature and Landscape, UMR 7324 CITERES (CNRS, University of Tours) and Zone Atelier Loire, the colloquium seeks to bring together researchers focusing on problematics concerning trees alongside actors involved in management and protection of treescapes.  

Communications include: 

    • The arboreal infrastructure: a notion relevant to the interplay of landscape and biodiversity in the Green and Blue network policy at infra-regional levels?
  • Humankind and the Black Poplar (populus nigra) through the ages: from use of this natural resource by the river’s peasant farmers to today’s national programme for preservation of genetic resources.
  • Approach to the creation of landscapes over the long term using LiDAR surveying technology on the forests of Blois, Russy, Boulogne and Chambord (Loir-et-Cher).

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