Loire en tête: fairytale and legend competition for everyone

Published on 05 June 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

Young and old are invited to come and tell us all about their passion for this river by acting out a traditional or original tale or legend – or even one that you’ve made up.


A jury composed of the public, partners, actors and personalities will vote for the finalists, who will each be awarded a prize and given a free day's training by a professional storyteller.

For four Wednesdays in the summer, the Guinguette stage on the banks of the Loire in Tours will host "open-mike" sessions for amateur storytellers (from 5pm to 7pm), followed by a performance by a professional storyteller (at 8pm):
- Wednesday 17 June (+ "Un piano sur le fleuve" (A piano on the river) show)
- Wednesday 15 July (+ "BoisDoux")
- Wednesday 19 August (+ show currently being planned)
- Wednesday 16 September (+ Laotian artists for legends around the "guest" river: the Mekong)
The final will be held on Sunday 20 September 2009 (European Heritage Days) (followed by the show "Si le monde était parfait" (If the world was perfect)).

This event is being organised by the Echappée Belle - Cie Philippe Ouzounian
and Bizpropulsion.
Enquiries and registration:
Tel.: +33 (0)2 36 43 13 72



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