Loire Valley studies by the University of Orléans

Published on 26 May 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

As part of the University of Orléans’ Masters programme specialising in the local management of cultural heritage, students are asked to undertake group projects. From October 2007 to May 2008, five students carried out a study into adding value to Loire navigation basins from Meung-sur-Loire to Jargeau dans le Loiret.

Having drawn up a progress report detailing both the cultural heritage resources and eco-navigation and tourism enhancement projects linked to the Loire, they designed proposals for value-added projects. This work was supervised by Philippe Tanchoux, Lecturer and head of this Masters specialism, and Myriam Laidet, Head of Mission Val de Loire’s Sustainable development programme.
In addition to achieving academic recognition with a mark of 16/20, the results of the study were of concrete use in preparing actions implemented by local authorities in line with the Loire Seascapes and Ports orientations model.  Loire port projects in Jargeau - St Denis de l'hôtel (Pays Forêt d'Orléans Val de Loire - Pays Sologne Val Sud) and Meung sur Loire (Pays Loire Beauce) are planned following the call for Leader projects (2007-2013) for rural development.
Among the other projects incorporated into the new programme of Loire Valley Leader tourism projects, we would like to highlight the following:
- the heritage landscapes management project and support for the development of wine tourism trails (Pays des Châteaux)
- the discovery trails development project linked to the Loire à vélo cycle track and wine tourism (Pays Loire Touraine)
The Loire also inspired another group of Masters students, who carried out a study into the way in which 20th century tourism formed our picture of the Loire Valley.



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