Loire Valley landscape expertise boosts urban park project in Libya

Published on 24 November 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

In the framework of an agreement signed with the Libyan Engineering Consulting Office for Utilities (ECOU), 25 5th year students from the National School of Higher Studies in Nature and Landscape Architecture have been working on a 100 hectare design for an urban park for the city of Tripoli.

  This work forms part of the 5 th year seminar on the idea of "sustainability" applied to the landscape project . The site involved took part in the project because of the particular need to take into account water resources, waste and purification management, and the use of plants suited to the specific environment.

Study trips have been organised in order to supplement the research with a practical approach which will allow participants to explore the site and the culture. The final submission consisted of project hypotheses for the site involved , which provided food for thought for the Libyan partner ECOU. 

National School of Higher Studies in Nature and Landscape Architecture
The School of Landscape Architecture adds a splash of green to the desert (La Nouvelle République - 18/11/208)

The site for the projected urban park (Photo: ENSNP)

The site for the projected urban park (Photo: ENSNP)



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