Loire Fleet and Ports: a strong commitment to redevelop the river

Published on 06 October 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

At the Regional Conference of 29th September 2009, the Val de Loire Mission presented a report on the implementation of the “Loire Fleet and Ports” plan (study began in 2004 and was published in 2007), assessing the extent of efforts undertaken to develop the river within the area listed as a UNESCO World Heritage.


In general, Val de Loire local authorities, members of the Regional Conference, committed to the "Loire Fleet and Ports" plan by adopting the Loire Navigation charter, thereby showing that they share common protection and promotion values in keeping with the environmental and cultural quality of this living cultural landscape.
The figures speak for themselves:
  • Since 2006, the number of traditional boats built by associations who sail on the Loire has more than doubled, from 60 to 130. These associations play a key information role (educational activities, demonstrations of river craft).
  • 23 passenger boats with a total capacity of 850 people now organise ecotourism services on the river.
  • 1,000 canoes are available for hire on site.
New options combining cycle rides and boat outings are emerging.
This diversity of activities is being maintained by development projects and initiatives of the Loire ports run by the main urban areas (like Orléans), rural villages (like La Poissonnière and La Ménitré) and counties (like Indre-et-Loire).
The Centre and Pays de la Loire regions, with help from the State for the Plan Loire Grandeur Nature, are supporting this overall drive through their respective policies (funding river craft, regional policies).
Presented by the Val de Loire Mission, this report represents the expectations of local associations and villages around the Loire so as to meet the demand of tourists and inhabitants who are increasingly motivated to explore the Loire in new ways.


Navigation de loisirs en Loire



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