"Living by the river”: an educational project

Published on 24 November 2005 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 19 ans

The Yolande d’Anjou secondary school in Saumur has set up an educational research and exchange project entitled “Living by a river in Europe”, aimed at pupils in the first four years of secondary schooling and teaching staff.

The project takes a multidisciplinary approach to the subject and aims to increase the opportunities for pupil exchanges and in particular to tackle the concept of European citizenship. The initiative is being led by Jocelyn Durand-Gomes, a history teacher at the school in Saumur, and will involve secondary schools in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Romania. An application for funds to develop the project further is to be submitted to the European educational authorities.
Nantes Education Authority



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