“Laissez-vous conter la rando des trois ponts” in Blois

Published on 03 September 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

This 5 mile walk has been thought up in partnership between the natural history museum and the Blois City of Art and History department for locals and visitors to explore the natural and cultural heritage of the Loire in Blois.


It was tried out for the first time during the World Heritage Rendezvous, and proved to be a hit with the fifty or so people who took part.

Randonnée des 3 ponts à Blois (by Mission Val de Loire)

A walking guide has been drawn up to prolong this initiative. Available free of charge from the tourist office, castle and natural history museum in Blois, it lists 19 varied points of interest, including the view downstream of the bridge, the water level marks, the alluvial forest and the old Lac de Loire dam.
City of art and history department
Natural History Museum



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