[Fr] Décès de Philippe Auclerc
C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris aujourd'hui le décès de Philippe Auclerc, co-fondateur de la maison d'édition Loire et terroirs et rédacteur...
Published on 23 September 2010 - Updated 07 January 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans
Since September 2010, Isabelle Longuet has replaced Dominique Tremblay – who headed up the Mission Val de Loire since it was set up and retired last June – as its Director.
Isabelle Longuet previously worked as Follow-Up Officer for the UNESCO World Heritage Convention at national level at the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. She has also managed the France-UNESCO Convention for heritage, a partnership agreement intended to mobilise French know-how in the interests of initiatives to protect and promote architectural, urban and landscape heritage in other countries. The Mission Val de Loire is the inter-regional structure funded by the Centre and Pays-de-la-Loire regions and tasked with coordinating inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List for the Loire Valley. Since June, it has been chaired by Jacques Auxiette , President of the Pays-de-la-Loire region.
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L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.