International conference on the body of the King in the 15th-16th centuries

Published on 03 May 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

On 14th and 15th May 2010, Château royal de Blois is hosting the international conference: “Roi cherché, roi montré, roi transfiguré, Corps politique et corps du pouvoir en Europe (XVe-XVIe siècles)” (A King sought, displayed and transfigured, the political body and body of power in Europe (15th-16th centuries))


A real scientific and historic event open to everyone (free admission if booked), this conference brings together young researchers, continuing on from the Rendez-Vous de l'histoire de Blois 2009 event on the theme "Corps dans tous ses états" (Body in all its states).
  • Friday 14th May:
    • Session 1: Le corps du prince théâtralisé (The dramatised body of the prince)
    • Session 2: Le corps de la reine révélé (The body of the queen revealed)
    • Session 3: Le corps du prince européen (The European princely body)
  • Saturday 15th May:
    • Session 4: Vers le corps du roi absolu ? (Towards the absolute regal body?)

Château royal de Blois



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