Inauguration of the "Intelligence des Patrimoines" building

Published on 02 July 2014 - Updated 11 July 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 10 ans

25 June 2014 saw the inauguration of a new building belonging to the Centre for Higher Renaissance Studies (CESR), a mixed research unit under the joint aegis of François-Rabelais University, Tours, and the CNRS. The new space will be given over to the “Intelligence des Patrimoines” programme providing a fresh approach to territorial promotion combining scientific research and the socioeconomic world to a single end.

The building has 120 m² of space available and is set to be a centre for encounters, work and discussion for use by all stakeholders working towards successful accomplishment of the programme. It is located at 4 rue Rapin, Tours, which is listed in France’s Supplementary Inventory of Historical Monuments and is one of the city’s oldest houses. 


The inauguration took place in the presence of Isabelle Gaudron, Vice-President of the Centre Region, Frédéric Thomas, President of Indre-et-Loire General Council, Loïc Vaillant, President of François-Rabelais University, Tours, and Philippe Vendrix, Director of the Centre for Higher Renaissance Studies. 

The “Intelligence des Patrimoines” programme

“Intelligence des Patrimoines” brings together a consortium of institutions, laboratories and research networks active in a wide range of scientific fields and disciplinary sectors. Initiated by the Centre for Higher Renaissance Studies and supported by the Centre Region, “Intelligence des Patrimoines” associates all the Region’s research and higher education bodies: the Universities of Tours and Orleans, the CNRS, INRA, the BRGM, the National School for Higher Studies in Nature and Landscape Architecture, IRSTEA and France Business School. 

The programme provides an innovative approach to heritage, covering cultural, natural, gastronomic, artisanal and agricultural heritages alike through facilitation of a network of researchers from the Centre Region’s research laboratories. With the help of partnerships with the cultural and economic worlds, the programme aims to initiate a new research and development dynamic and be at the origin of innovations enabling definition of services, products and know-how creating economic value and jobs. 

The programme is very much regional in context, in an area where natural and cultural heritage are of primary importance and prioritised in its innovation strategy up to 2020. Among other things, it participates actively in giving thought to the specialised field of “ICT and services for heritage tourism”. 

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