Ile de Baure - 2004-2014, a research and creation workshop

Published on 22 December 2015 - Updated 22 January 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

This publication tells of ten years of artistic adventure on an island in the middle of the Loire. From 2004 to 2014, the TALM Graduate School of Fine Arts - Angers Site was able to organise a research and creation workshop with the support of local stakeholders. The challenge for its students was to come up with artistic techniques in the great outdoors!

Over the years, the teachers have initiated varied lines of research and invited renowned artists to share their vision of this site. Unlike the "white cube", this island is not dedicated to art: criss-crossed by nature and immersed in the landscape of the river, it thus resists all preconceived ideas.  

For young artists, bringing their project to life as close as possible to their subject and inspiration in this unique context, with a minimum of technical and financial means, has been a decisive experience. 

The box set includes a booklet for each theme

  • Baure baure
  • Ile de Baure
  • Inventaire (Inventory)
  • Distance
  • Acteurs du territoire (Local area stakeholders)
  • Paysage avec intrus (Landscape with intruders)
  • Histoire d'Arc (Arc History)
  • Ile de Baure, Laboratoire du Paysage (Ile de Baure, Landscape Laboratory)
  • Cadrage (Framing)

The set has been published by the Tours Angers Le Mans Graduate School of Fine Arts with support from the Pays de la Loire DRAC, Mission Val de Loire, municipality of Ménitré, Maine-et-Loire County Council and the metropolitan cluster. 

TALM Edition - November 15 

Distributed by:  R-diffusion  

218 pages, €20 



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