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Heritage mediation training for guides in the Val de Loire: a successful first event

Published on 21 December 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The course ran from 28 to 30 November 2007 and offered the 16 participants the opportunity to understand and assimilate the concepts and values that underpin the World Heritage label and the specific characteristics of the Val de Loire site, helping them to incorporate these elements more effectively into their mediation activities with the general public.

The skills and diverse range of experience of those attending the course provided an opportunity to exchange points of view on both the perception of the Loire's natural and cultural heritage and appropriate mediation and interpretation methods.

One of the factors that enhanced the course was the diversity of the participants, who work in chateaux, monuments and museums, large urban centres and "towns of art and history", as well as organisations dedicated to promoting the natural and landscape heritage of the Val de Loire. In addition, two of the participants were from outside the Val de Loire: one from the Pont du Gard World Heritage Site (which is also a member of the French World Heritage Properties Association), and one from Italy ( Paestum).  


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The course was organised by the Val de Loire Mission and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre. The International Rivers and Heritage Institute managed the project with the participation of the University of Angers, the Catholic University of the West (UCO) and the Saumur Loire Développement conurbation committee.

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