German delegation welcomed

Published on 17 October 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

A delegation from the Upper Middle-Rhine Valley, which has been included on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites since 2002, visited the Val de Loire between 29 September and 3 October.

After a welcome in Amboise, acknowledging the town's twinning arrangement with the town of Boppard, and in Chambord by Mrs Colleu-Dumont, the delegation, led by Mr Heino Rönneper, President of the Middle Rhine Valley – UNESCO Club and made up of 15 people – mostly elected representatives from the municipalities in the listed site – was welcomed to the Val de Loire Mission by its Director, Dominique Tremblay.
The visit provided an opportunity to share ideas on the respective management systems of the two World Heritage sites and was followed by a convivial lunch, during which the team from the Mission and the members of the delegation were able to get to know each other better. Mr Rönneper and the other guests then had the chance to explore the town of Tours during a guided tour organised by the tourist office and later the Loire itself, on a trip on the barges of the Boutavant association.

Find out more:
The Upper Middle-Rhine Valley



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