Fontevraud Charter: admission conditions finalised

Published on 20 July 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

Meeting of the French Institute of Wine and Winemaking on 5 and 6 July 2007 in Nîmes.

The French Institute of Wine and Winemaking took this opportunity to finalise the conditions for admission to the Fontevraud Charter, in conjunction with the national group representing winemaking landscapes, "Paysages viticoles". The Val de Loire will host the first meeting of the Charter's National Steering Committee in the autumn.

The Swiss site " Côtes de Lavaux, terraced vineyards", which has just recently been included on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites, will adopt the Fontevraud Charter in September, at the festival it is organising to celebrate its inclusion. It will also use this opportunity to announce its intention to join VITOUR, the network of European winemaking regions listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites, which the Val de Loire has been running since 2005.

Find out more:

Fontevraud Charter: a charter for protecting, managing and promoting wine and wine-growing regions



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