Follow the archaeological reconstruction of the Savonnières 'scute'

Published on 25 January 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The reconstruction of a mediaeval flat-bottomed boat known as a 'scute' in Savonnières is a project of cultural and heritage significance.

The work calls on the knowledge and skills of both the archaeologist and the carpenter, to identify the rules by which it was made and the traditional techniques used. The site of this long-term project is open on the first and third Saturdays of the month to give everyone the chance to learn more about this heritage craft.

Instigated by the Boatmen of the Cher and François Beaudoin, a specialist archaeologist of river craft, the project is supported by the Banque Populaire Foundation and local authorities.

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