First conference of the European project INTERREG IVC VITOUR Landscape

Published on 03 March 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

The first conference of the European project INTERREG IVC VITOUR Landscape took place in Cinqueterre (Riomaggiore) from 3rd to 6th February 2010. The topic for this meeting was the preservation and the promotion of UNESCO World Heritage Wine Landscapes.


Four objectives have been defined:
  • to identify and to capitalize successful projects about maintenance, restoration, enhancement and development of heritage wine landscapes,
  • to test the transfer of these projects from UNESCO sites to UNESCO sites,
  • to involve inhabitants and local workers on every site,
  • to diffuse the results at the local, regional and international levels.

The next 2010 meeting will happen:
  • in April 2010 (27th - 30th) on Pico Island (Portugal - Autonomous Region of the Azores),
  • in June 2010 (8th - 11th) in Krems (Austria),
  • in July 2010 (7th - 11th) in Lavaux (Switzerland),
  • in September 2010 (7th - 9th) in Boppard (Germany),
  • in November 2010 (29th - 1st) in Fontevraud-Savennières (Fance).
In all, eleven conferences will take place until 2011.

Different topics will be treated like the innovative tools of heritage wine landscapes conservation and the adaptation of the regional public policies; the analysis of the existing policies of the European world heritage vineyards management; the conservation in sustainable agriculture, in management of the natural spaces and the preservation of biodiversity; some questions of accessibility and transport on the wine sites; the architectural and landscaped identity of the wine sites and the development of the habitat.

This project will lead to the creation of a European guidebook about the preservation and the promotion of UNESCO World Heritage Wine Landscapes and to a collection of caseworks. Vitour, the European vineyards of the UNESCO World Heritage



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