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  • First Meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee of the International Rivers and Heritage Institute - Angers, 26 September 2006

First Meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee of the International Rivers and Heritage Institute - Angers, 26 September 2006

Published on 28 August 2006 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

The Scientific Steering Committee of the International Rivers and Heritage Institute met for the first time in Angers on 26 September, as part of the 2006 Session of the Val de Loire-World Heritage European Summer School.

This Scientific Steering Committee is made up of representatives from the Val de Loire's partner organisations and of persons both French and foreign, recognized nationally and nternationally for ther expertise in one or other of the Institute's spheres of interest.

The first meeting saw the appointment of the Committee's Chairman, Jean-Paul Bravard, Professor at the Université Lumière Lyon II and Chairman of the "Zone Atelier" for the Rhône basin and also laid down the broad outlines of the Institute's scientific policy.




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