Film "When the Dhuy becomes the Loiret... Rivers to experience!"

Published on 16 July 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

The APSL (Association for the protection of the River Loiret site) is distributing this documentary film for the general public, presenting the River Loiret and its tributaries along with the many regional issues with regard to water.


A multidisciplinary approach brings together a range of viewpoints, helping the viewer to discover the multiple facets of the area - its history, its connection with the Loire, development through time, its harnessing by man, the activities taking place upon it and its management by riverside residents and local authorities.
It thus poses the question of collective management of the water resources of the Dhuy Loiret watershed at local level.
Commissioned by and from and original idea of the APSL.
Production: "Du Nord au Sud Production".
Length: 43 minutes.





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