Family operation: “Entrez dans la cour des grands!”

Published on 05 June 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

After a year in the making, with the partner towns and sites, the new Anjou-Touraine family operation "Entrez dans la cour des grands" is kicking off this summer, 2009. The main objective is to promote the operation among the inhabitants of both counties and visitors on holiday in the Val de Loire.


Specific promotion material has been created:
  • A 20-page brochure , A5 format, printed in 140,000 copies, presents the operation and each partner (distribution in partner sites, tourist offices, accommodation venues and all the usual distribution outlets)
  • Promotional and display documents (posters, display cases, personalised kakemonos, window stickers, etc.)
  • A special website featuring all of the information found in the brochure, as well as events and a selection of "family" accommodation options:



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