European winegrowers make a commitment to sustainable viticulture

Published on 11 January 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

On 7th December 2009 a thousand winegrowers from 20 European countries adopted the “Vignerons d'Europe” Manifesto through which they undertake to practise sustainable viticulture.


This joint initiative with the convivium Slow Food Tours-Loire Valley, organised by Eurogusto Tours-Loire Valley, Slow Food International and Tuscany, is "the first step towards forging a strong European "winegrower's" identity with a wealth of distinctive features".
The partners invite winegrowers in the Loire AOC wine region to commit over the long-term to a viticulture that respects the identity of their soil, environment and consumers.
You can find and sign this Manifesto on, the website for signatory Loire winegrowers.



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