Euro Gusto - Tours Val de Loire, 27th-30th November 2009

Published on 06 October 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

Organised every two years in Tours, at the heart of the Val de Loire, listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO, this new international event on Slow Food gives everyone the chance to come with family and friends and find out about quality produce from across Europe, France and the Centre Region.


The aim is to grasp the cultural, economic and environmental challenges involved and to learn about responsible consumption practices.
On Saturday 28 th November, the Forum, organised by the European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food, is being held at François-Rabelais University on the theme "Is fine food worth the effort ?". One of the panel discussions will be on " Wine tourism, an asset for Europe?". Dominique Tremblay, Director of the Val de Loire Mission, will present the work of the Vitour network, uniting European World Heritage Vineyards .
Euro Gusto
VITOUR, the European Network of UNESCO World Heritage Vineyards



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