[Fr] Décès de Philippe Auclerc
C'est avec tristesse que nous avons appris aujourd'hui le décès de Philippe Auclerc, co-fondateur de la maison d'édition "Loire et terroirs" et rédacteur...
Published on 22 March 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans
Two recent initiatives demonstrate the commitment of local authorities in the Val de Loire to sustainable development.
On 31 January 2008, the "Saumur Loire Développement" Urban
Community and the Town of Saumur signed a charter to implement the
Responsible Administration Plan
. Administrative authorities (local councils, Government
departments, etc.) want to involve all officers within the local
authority, and are looking to put in place initiatives that set an
example for local people and which they find credible, in order to
encourage similar practices by the population (eco-behaviours).
Another initiative comes in the shape of
electric cycles made available to officers
in Blois, Agglopolys and the CIAS (Interministerial
Consultative Committee for Social Initiatives), linking the various
sites for meetings and work-related travel in general.
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L’équipe de la Mission Val de Loire.