“Enter the court of the greats” for young people

Published on 26 May 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

Undertaken by the Anjou and Touraine Departmental Tourism Committees, this project takes up the reins of “On the trail of the child king” (Sur la piste de l’enfant Roy), eight years after its creation but in the same spirit of passing on and exchanging knowledge between the young and the very oldest.

Starting with a modern question (Can a garden be beautiful and useful? How did the kings and queens of France grow up?), each partner site invites families to attend a tour which is tailored to suit their needs. To “enter the court of the Greats”, the partner sites are also committed to the Tourism Quality approach.
The operation will be launched in two phases:
-          Summer 2008: eight tourist sites and one brochure
-          2009: new partners and a dedicated website



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