Creation of the Pays de la Loire CEN

Published on 11 May 2015 - Updated 01 June 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

Pays de la Loire’s Conservatoire des Espaces Naturels (CEN – Natural Spaces Conservatory) in Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné was officially inaugurated on 6 May 2015, following a planning period overseen by the Fédération des Conservatoires des Espaces Naturels with financial support from the State and Pays de la Loire Region. It is the result of a merger between two associations: the Conservatoire des Rives de la Loire et de ses Affluents (CORELA – Conservatory of the Banks of the Loire and its Tributaries) and the Sarthe CEN.

Set up as an association, the Pays de la Loire CEN brings together the State, local authorities, farmers’ representatives, foresters, hunters, fishermen, nature protection associations and committed citizens. It seeks to provide a platform for dialogue, as Loïc Bideau, President of the Pays de la Loire CEN, Henri-Michel Comet, Prefect of the Region, and Sophie Bringuy, Vice President of the Regional Council, underlined at the launch ceremony. 

With its main objective being to preserve biodiversity and landscapes, the Pays de la Loire CEN relies on 3 complementary axes of intervention

  • Facilitation of a network of managers: the CEN will bring added value through networking existing structures
  • Provision of support at local level: in collaboration with existing actors (Regional Nature Parks, Permanent Centres for Environmental Initiatives, etc.), the CEN will act as a resource centre for local authorities and socioeconomic actors.
  • Preservation and management of sites: this may be ensured by control of land ownership or (by convention) control of land use of sites. As regards the Loire Valley, acquisition of spaces in need of protection will be a new competence in relation to action previously carried out by CORELA.


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